
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Engaged Buddhism

1. Aware of the violence in the world and of the power of non-violent resistance, I stand in the presence of the ancestors, the earth, and future generations and vow to cultivate the compassion that seeks to protect each living being.

2. Aware of the poverty and greed in the world and of the intrinsic abundance of the earth, I stand in the presence of the ancestors, the earth, and future generations and vow to cultivate the simplicity, gratitude, and generosity that have no limits.

3. Aware of the abuse and lovelessness in the world and of the healing that is made possible when we open to love, I stand in the presence of the ancestors, the earth, and future generations and vow to cultivate respect for the beauty and erotic power of our bodies.

4. Aware of the falsehood and deception in the world and of the power of living and speaking the truth, I stand in the presence of the ancestors, the earth, and future generations and vow to cultivate the ability to listen; and clarity and integrity in all I communicate—by my words and actions.

5. Aware of the contamination and desecration of the world and of my responsibility for life as it manifests through me, I stand in the presence of the ancestors, the earth, and future generations and vow to cultivate; discernment and care in what I take into my body and mind.

The Three Refuges

1. I take refuge in the Buddha.
I stand with clear intention to work for the Awakening and Liberation of all Beings

2. I take refuge in the Dharma.
I stand with gratitude for all the ways that lead to the Awakening and Liberation of all Beings

3. I take refuge in the Sangha.
I stand in solidarity with all the Communities that support and work for the Awakening and Liberation of all Beings

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